I don't care about the size of your house
Or by the kind of car in your garage
Sure, all these possesions are great
And are meant to be enjoyed when you've worked so hard to earn them
I so admire beautiful things just like the next person
But it is not what defines you to me nor should they define me to you
What defines you to me
Is the beautiful spirit I see through your eyes
The smile between your ears
The thoughts behind your kind words
The motivation that fuels your actions
The flame I see flickering within you
The hope and aspirations you once harboured
The new ones that you now embrace
The uncertainties that surface in your mind again and again
And then your resilience to push them aside again and again
That allows you each mornin
To swing your legs over the side of your bed
To do it all over again
The love I see you deposit in someone's else pocket
The words you say to release someone else's spirit
The hand you extend to some lonely lost being
Knowing that we all feel lost at some point or another
And then your own receiving heart that also allows you
To pocket some lovin others may extend you
When you yourself are feeling like you're in a pit
All these things define the real Beautiful You to me
And yes, wow, I do see so many beautiful spirits
About me everywhere I go...........