That winds itself round a corner
That finally ends with a bench in a quiet spot
A man walked by me and stopped to look
After what seemed like careful ponderance
He finally gave me the verdict
"I have to congratulate you, you've done a good job" in a cute accent
Because he seemed to have given it thought
I found myself trusting his opinion
I asked him if he frequented this park often
Yes, eversince his wife died 5 years ago
He comes everyday to read in this serenity
May I come and take a photo of you
Surprised at myself for asking a stranger such an odd question
To which he in turn surprised me with a
"I would be honored"
I did visit him around the corner
And took a couple of photos of him
Quietly reading his business letters
After a while, he came back to check on my progress
We started a chatting and I asked him questions
This 85 year old man has got to be interesting, I thought
So, he had been in the war when he was 15 or 16
Then left Romania with his brother
To venture to a new land that is now ours
And worked for CPR on the railway tracks
For many a years
I asked him if he had been so afraid to have been involved in a war at age 15 or 16
NO was his most unexpected answer
He had never been more afraid than last week
When after his cataract surgery
His eye had started to bleed and his vision was reduced to a tunnel
I for one who uses her eyes a lot
Can so empathise with that
How scary it would be
To feel like your eyesight is being threatened
"You know what is the most important lesson I had learnt in life" he suddenly asked
This man is about to give me the shortcut to the most important lesson in life!!
Please DO TELL, I begged
"It is just as important to be on the right track as it is to be on the right train"
Wowsers, I thought : That means you can be on the right track and be on the wrong train
Or you can be on the right train but be on the wrong track!?
How much more complicated can life get?
"And you know what's the other most important thing I had learnt" he asked
Looking at my painting friend who had just joined us
"That the woman is always right.."
My wise friend bade goodbye, he was tired
I looked at my painting friend
I rubbed in the new lesson just dispensed with a wide, amused grin
Did you get ALL that!?
THE WOMAN IS ALWAYS RIGHT and hey, I didn't say that
He did, pointing to the wisest man I had ever met
Walking off into the distance.......
OKAY, okay, Brothers, you're probably right some of the time
But women are right ALL of the time
According to that wise not-that-old gentleman I had just met.....