Which people associate with food, festivities and family gatherings...
Media and traditions have us think
That gift exchanges are the norm and are highly anticipated and expected...
The "pressure" to give that special gift..
And the expectation to receive that "just what I needed" gift..
That the house is immaculate and the gravy will just be totally lump-free...
When these imageries and expectations are far from reality in one's life...
For whatever reasons: general progression of family dynamics, death, separation, ...
Many fall into profound sadness ... disappointments... frustrations
A sense of disconnectedness....
But you are where you are...
One is never really alone
Even your loved ones who no longer are
Wish they can be with you as you wish you can be with them....
May love, peace and contentment reign in our hearts today
That wherever we find ourselves to be...
We can still try to glow even in darkness
As though we swallowed the moon... whether fully or partly... lol
There is still beauty and blessings in the circumstances which we're in...
Lifting those who are in peace-shattered regions of the world...