A couple of weeks ago, I went in search of a sunset..
Following the direction of the light, I parked where I had never parked before..
Walked along a path where I had never walked before.. I was elated to find this stream of light stopping me in my tracks..
There was no sign of anyone in this secluded area…
‘What if…” stories of kidnappers, abductors, etc crossed my monkey mind..
At last, I was relieved to see the first jogger came by and he reassured me it was a safe trail……
Many more dog walkers, walkers, teenagers taking a short-cut home passed by…. I realized I had been watching one too many such news items which played havoc on my unguarded mind.. I am now on a more strict mental diet …
What I let in is what I let out… 🤣. There’s ways to stay safe without giving into paranoia, wouldn’t you say?
For after all, it is fore mostly a Beautiful World.. 😊.
Good Night Beautiful World… 🌙🌟❤️