I have canvases of all dimensions
I paint myself a never-ending garden
And I hop, skip and somesault right into my painting
Follow right behind me in your barefeet
Feel the coolness of the moist, new Summer grass
As you stoop to smell each flower
Look for delicate fairies asleep in there
I am wondering what's around the corner
At this stage of my life
As I venture down the path to find out
I am distracted
I am held in wonder
I smile at some old memory that this path has brought to resurface
I look back and the vision there has now become a new memory
I must forge ahead
To discover what's around the bend
With a flutter of excitement in my wings
With a skipped beat in my heart
With a shudder that ripples over my skin
I can't quite see beyond the blinding light
But let me muster new faith and courage
To ride the next adventure that awaits me around the corner.......