I cried and lamented
How could she leave me
When she had always been by my side since I was born
Cheered me on when I did my first drawing
Be the one to gently break news
Of any crimes I committed to my Mom
But you can always come and visit
It's only 6 hours train ride away...
So I did
My Grandma took me to visit her
And we had the most wonderful time together
On the train home
I heard this boy
Striking up a conversation with Granny
When I looked up
He was looking at me
Yes, as you would have it
The train broke down
We all spilled out to the grass
To wait in the shade
And the minutes rolled into hours
I felt a tap on my shoulder
The boy was offering me a chocolate bar
Foolishly I said
No Thank you
Otherwise, I could still have this choc bar wrapper
In my possession to this day
We got back on the train
It rattled on for a while
He got off the next stop
Without us ever saying another word
I look at him through the window
And he looked up at me from the ground
I cried for days after, my heart was piercingly pained
My dear Dad consoled me
Said I can go always go visit my favourite Aunt again
To which, I cried even harder
Wondering what would be the chances....