Was that a whisper of the wind
Or was that a brush of your gentle hand upon my shoulder
To remind me that you are here with me tonight
The image of your face is slowly fading
As I had wilfully blocked you out
For your image just brought me too many tears
But now I am scared you're too diminished
And I don't want your light extinguished forever
From within the depths of my inner being
But know I love you forever, Dad
When I sat beside your bed
You seemed unconscious and unresponding
I held your arm and I kissed your hand
You reached out and stroke my hair
That's when I knew you love me
But was too tired to utter the words
So, I had to reassure you that you could let go
And now, I feel bad that I had told you so
Before Mom was ready ..she said I should't have ...
Tell me you're ok where u are and it's where you want to be
That's the only way I am going to feel better....