Working out this painting
With music blaring through the open doors of my car beside me
A man walked up behind me with his cutie of a dog
A little chi hua hua already full grown at 6 months old
Little but feisty, I asked if I may take a photo of it
SURE, he smiled and I asked if he would himself like to be in the pic with his canine kid
NO, I'M TOO OLD was his reply
When he left, a wave of sadness came over me
This man was grey in his hair but he was nowhere near seventy even
I would have guessed
He had a kindly smile and a youthful gait
And yet he thought himself not worthy to have his picture taken with his beloved friend
And if one thinks one is old and unworthy at such an age
That is a long time to be feeling this way
Before one hits the grave
I felt sad and my eyes welled up
What do I have to look forward to for I sure don't want to feel this way
For the latter half of my precious gift of a life
It must be possible to live outside time
And not be defined by the number calculated from the date on your birth cert.
The fountain of youth must be found in one's mind
It is not about growing older but growing towards something and somewhere:
Growing towards the essence of one's true core
And being one with the soul where it feels at home
I must not project to a younger person that it is terrible to be getting older
For what hope do I give that youth if I say to her
There's something unpleasant to look forward to
While she's hurtling along life with great enthusiasm and wonder
That it will all end
And she''ll only have a limited time to look glorious
And to achieve everything her heart desires!!??
One tends to be forgetful as one progresses in life they say may as well forget what your chronological age is.... lol!