I bumped into a friend of mine
Hadn't seen her in a while
She said she had moved away
Her husband had passed on
After a month long of sudden illness
I looked into her eyes
And from the quietness in her voice
I could tell she had been through a lot
Shock, adjustments, decisions made
With her spouse no longer by her side
The one thing she wished
As she sees retired couples grocery shopping
Was a taste of that retirement life together
As she spoke my eyes a brimming
While she had no tears, no tears
She said it is because she's tired of crying
It had taken her a year to get to this point
This day I bumped into her
Was the first day she had ventured out
As we bade goodbye
I turned around and I don't why: I felt my tears spilling
Okay... it'll take Mom and I
A year before we'll start feeling better
About Dad not being here....